Misc. Firefox extension is now a WebExtension. Important: All settings, lists and saved emotes will be lost after the update. Create a backup before updating. Too late already? No, it's not. You can still install the old version.
Bugfix Fixed CSS URL retrieval from subreddit.
Bugfix Some missing G table integration.
Misc. Added tags for new emotes.
Misc. Added new G table.
Misc. Added tags for new emotes.
Misc. Switched to HTTPS for addon update checks. (Thanks, Let's Encrypt!)
Misc. Moved from cfx to jpm including automated signing. (Remember my angry rant for version 2.10.2? Well, jpm got a lot better.)
Misc. Added tags for new emotes.
Misc. Added tags for new emotes.
Bugfix When processing the CSS of r/mlplounge, ignore /pl00 etc. because the emotes would be duplicated.
Misc. Added tags for new emotes.
Misc. Corrected BPM link on options page.
Misc. Minor code changes to pass the Firefox validation process without review. Firefox add-on is now signed. (Also a tip for fellow Firefox add-on developers: Don't switch from cfx to jpm. I tried, nothing worked and I got angry, and after a few hours switched back to cfx.)
Misc. Added tags for new emotes.
Misc. Added support for new emote table F.
Misc. Using JSHint now for code improvements and followed some of its advice.
Bugfix Inserting an emote deletes most of the textarea text. (Bug introduced in 2.9.5.)
Bugfix Lists vanishing until reload if dropped onto an emote or an emote dropped onto the list.
Bugfix Lists vanishing until reload if dropped onto itself.
Bugfix Lists with quotation marks not being removed from selection fields when deleted (until reload).
Misc. Added new emotes for fresh installs and tags for the search.
Misc. Use HTTPS.
Bugfix Reverse emotes not working due to changes to the subreddit CSS. Yes, again.
Bugfix Reverse emotes not working due to changes to the subreddit CSS.
Bugfix MLE not working in Chrome/Chromium/Opera 15+ when browsing https://reddit.com.
Bugfix URLs in revealed title text not being converted to links if they are at the beginning of the text. Also added an option to enable/disable URL converting.
Bugfix/Feature RES live preview now shows revealed title text of emotes and unknown emotes (depending on your settings of course).
Bugfix Emote updates deleting default emotes because of a bad response.
Bugfix Reduced false positive rate of emotes being treated as unknown emotes.
Misc. MLE is now on the Chrome Web Store, because Chrome (stable) now blocks all non-store extensions on Windows.
Misc. Chrome now sends an adjusted User-Agent header in XMLHttpRequests of the extension (has always been like this for Firefox and Opera).
Misc. Added new emotes for fresh installs and tags for the search.
Bugfix Emotes not being automatically added if in the CSS their table code isn't mentioned before their alternate names. That fix was quite a piece of work, I tell ya.
Misc. Added new emotes for fresh installs and tags for the search.
Bugfix Remember that mentioned bugfix of 2.8-2.8.3? That fix contained a bug.
Bugifx Mentioned bugfix of 2.8 not being fixed in Chrome and Opera.
Bugfix Automatic emote update breaking the feature to display emotes outside of their subreddit.
Feature URLs and Markdown link code in revealed title text are now converted to actual links.
Feature Can now be installed on Firefox Mobile. However, I didn't make any adjustments, so it is really terrible. Updating emotes or displaying emotes outside of their subreddit doesn't work either (this is unrelated to the following bugfix).
Bugfix Emote update by loading the subreddit CSS failing. Also affected the display of emotes outside of their subreddit in some cases.
Misc. If using the “forced stylesheet update” there is now a little message after the process has finished.
Misc. Wrote more about tag search under “Manage”.
Bugfix Adjust emotes from the MLPLounge in /r/friends/comments as well.
Bugfix Scroll stop not working in Firefox.
Bugfix Emotes that start with "/s" not having their title text revealed. (Of course "/spoiler" and "/s" will still not be revealed.)
Bugfix In Firefox, if box alignment is to the right, moving the box results in a little jump in position upon release. This still isn't fixed. But the position before the little jump will be the saved one, so reloading the page will show the wanted position. If you want pixel perfect settings, you will have to use the options page.
Bugfix Reveal unknown emotes and title text in RES live preview as well.
Bugfix Don't reveal title text if it is emote info put there by BPM.
Bugfix Don't reveal title text of out-of-sub spoiler tag /s.
Feature Grab the window in the bottom left or bottom right area to resize it.
Feature Added option for the key to press to insert an emote reversed.
Bugfix Emotes with "r" prefix for reversing or flags like "-r" as suffix could be added to lists. Flags are now removed first.
Bugfix If "show title" option activated, even titles of spoilers were revealed.
Bugfix Some links on the reddit wiki page being treated as emotes.
Feature Show hidden title text of emotes.
Feature Reveal unknown emotes.
Feature Option to not group search results by list.
Feature Stop following of emote links.
Feature Added styling options for the context menu.
Bugfix Time of last stylesheet check showing wrong day.
Bugfix Use "r" as prefix to reverse emotes from the default lists, but "-r" as suffix for other emotes. Hold [Ctrl] and click an emote to insert it reversed.
Bugfix Tab sync broken in Opera in some cases.
Misc. Added warning for Plounge list while being on r/mylittlepony, that these emotes cannot be seen by users without the script.
Misc. More pony tags for the search.
Feature Display emotes of r/mylittlepony and r/MLPLounge outside of their subreddit.
Feature Auto-updating lists with the emotes of r/mylittlepony and r/MLPLounge.